


  • 希伯来语

    In the 4th grade, we continue our progress with the Tal Am program.  作为“团结班”,我们的目标包括
    • 通过学习经文和圣贤语录,提高阅读理解能力和写作能力, using the lens of rules for good behavior and manners
    • Continued improvement of conversation and listening skills through songs, 短剧, 组工作, 和演示
    • Creative writing through projects 和演示
    • Continued work in topics of grammar through supplemental workbooks, 包括现在, 过去的, 不定式, 所有格, 句型的改进
  • 犹太人的研究

    四年级的犹太研究课程回应了新兴犹太女孩和男孩的发展需求和兴趣. Based on the foundation of “Derech Eretz Kadmah La’Torah”, “propriety is a prerequisite to the study of Torah”, 该课程旨在促进求知欲,培养个人和社会责任感. 每天和每周的课程都有丰富的活动,培养犹太人的身份和自豪感,维持人际关系的发展.
    Recognizing the educational value of 21st century technology, 学生们喜欢并受益于将创造性的数字工具整合到他们的课程作业和特殊项目中.
    We start the day with Tefillat Shacharit: Birkot HaTorah, Birchot HaShachar, P 'sukei D 'zimra, Birkot Kriyat 示玛, 示玛, 阿弥陀佛, Aleinu, 和Tehillim. 全年, 学生们发展了对特菲洛和特菲洛法则的一般理解,并对阿弥陀佛有了深入的了解.
    使用L 'havin U ' lehasskill课程, we study the following Parshiot in depth with selected Rashis:
    永永永,永永永,永永永,永永永,ויצא. 这些章节开始于雅各在得到长子的继承权后离家出走,在迦兰开始了新的生活. Jacob returns to his homeland and the encounter with his brother, Esav. The narrative segues to Joseph and his brothers and their migration to Egypt. We highlight the transition from a family to a people.

    我们发展了对“Shivim Panim Latorah”的理解——对Torah有70种解释. 我们分析雅各和他儿子们的行为, and debate the ways we think situations played out based on different readings of the text. 
    先知书- - - - - - - - - - - - -
    We study about the leadership transitioning from Moshe to Joshua; about the Jewish people entering the land of Canaan, 征服土地,瓜分财产. The students become familiar with the geography of early Israel.
    法律和习俗- - - - - - - - - - -
    Special emphasis is given to the Jewish holidays: background, 掌握关键词汇, 祈祷, 习俗和习俗. In addition, we use the workbook חיינו as a source book for basic Jewish knowledge.
    犹太历史和犹太复国主义- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    We use the Lookstein Center Bar Ilan University curriculum on Zionism. 这些单位包括:北方挑战, 第一次回归, 回家和为耶路撒冷而战,1947-1967.
    解说员小传- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    We review the highlights of the Torah portion and share Divrei Torah.

    Popular and Didactic Phrases and Sayings - פתגמים
  • 语言艺术

    四年级的ELA项目, 基于平衡的识字概念, focuses on the important introduction of learning how to read and decipher informational, textbook-based材料. 教科书和信息文章构成了社会研究和科学理解技能培养的基础, 这些学习单元将在后面讨论. ELA项目包括多种形式, 包括文学界, 独立阅读, 口语阅读, read aloud (having a variety of materials read to the students by the teacher), 以及公开演讲. (全年, 班级成员有几个机会就预先确定的主题向同学做一个简短的演讲.)

    这个领域还包括做笔记的技巧, 识别主旨和相关细节, chunking information (linking like details together), 以词汇用法为基础, 以及各种语法基础技能.

    写作部分侧重于写作“紧凑”,简洁的主题段落,使用更复杂的句子结构和各种各样的过渡词和连接词. As the writing is linked to the vast variety of topics covered, 它可以有多种形式, 比如个人叙事, 比较和对比文章, 或短, 对一个过程或概念的详细解释.
  • 数学

    The fourth grade math curriculum follows the NYS core curriculum. 该课程强调计算技能和建立对相关概念和过程的理解, as well as learning and applying strategies for solving a variety of math word problems.
    1. 地方价值和金钱,
    2. addition and subtraction of whole numbers and decimals,
    3. multiplication (2 to 3 digit) by 2 digit numbers,
    4. 部门
      1. 部门 with remainders, the meaning of remainders,
      2. 把余数写成分数,
      3. the concept and process of 部门 and long 部门,
      4. 可分性规则,
      5. 发现平均水平,
    5. 写表达式和方程,
    6. 几何与测量
      1. 立体和平面人物
      2. 相等和相似的数字
      3. 运动
      4. 对称
      5. 周长,面积,体积
    7. 解决文字问题的策略
    8. A year-long in-class activity of recording and maintaining an up-to-date “checkbook”, based on “monies” given out routinely for a variety of reasons in class
  • 体育课

    威彻斯特走读学校致力于提供高质量的体育课程,这是核心课程的重要组成部分,在学校的整体教育理念中应该得到同等的重视. 几项科学研究一致认为,日常体育活动可以改善认知功能, 在课堂上的成就表现, 心理健康, 信心, 自尊, the total improved physical health and fitness of the individual, 让孩子更快乐,更健康. 考虑到这一点,低年级(1-5年级)的学生每周有4节体育课(每节30分钟)。.
  • 科学

    除了花时间在学校的科学实验室和科学老师一起探索课题, 四年级还花时间阅读和学习各种科学主题. This learning includes reading textbook materials, 听视频, 动手做项目, and playing topic-related games to rein力 the concepts taught.

    1. Energy from plants: plant parts, life cycle, growing our own plants
    2. 细胞:
      1. 细胞的组成部分
      2. 植物细胞
      3. 动物细胞
    3. 人体系统
      1. 骨骼和肌肉
      2. 呼吸和循环
      3. 消化和神经
      4. 身体的防御
    4. 我们的生态系统:能量的流动
      1. 食物链
      2. 食物网
    5. 电与磁
      1. 分子,指控
      2. 电荷如何流动
      3. 磁性
      4. 电荷:吸引或排斥
    6. 科学工具的使用
      1. 斜面(球和斜面), 连接到运动物体上的单元(速度), 力, 摩擦, 重力, 动力)
      2. 天平(质量)
    7. 矿物和岩石
      1. 矿物质
      2. 火成岩、沉积岩和变质岩
    8. 地球表面的变化
      1. 侵蚀
      2. 饱经风霜的材料
    9. 简单的机器
      1. lever, wheel and axle, inclined plane, wedge, and screw

    Fourth grade science covers both life and physical science.  Through units on cells and the human body, students learn more about themselves.  以电和磁为单位, 力和运动, 学生们可以设计自己的电路, 汽车, 以及其他发明.  

  • 社会研究

    四年级社会研究的目标是培养对美国早期历史和历史发展的理解, with a particular focus on the history of New York State. Content is approached through a variety of mediums: reading a variety of sources, 从实践经验中学习, field trips and participation in Native American and early colonial era games and projects.

    • The prehistoric land bridge and arrival of the first peoples to America
    • Native American Indians of New York State- Iroquois and Algonquin
    • How these groups met their basic needs of food, clothing, and shelter
    • 地理因素和环境如何塑造了美洲印第安人的定居模式
    • Early explorers and the Age of Exploration: reasons for exploration
    • Who were the European explorers who claimed and settled New York State?
    • 纽约州的美洲原住民印第安人和欧洲人的相遇:不同的探险家如何对待美洲原住民?
    • The culture and contributions of the Native American Indians who lived in our community
    • 早期的殖民者来自哪里? 他们定居的时间、原因和地点?
    • 殖民地的日常生活是怎样的?
    • The impact of the Dutch and English settlers on New York State
    • 谁组成了一些社会, 经济和宗教团体(朝圣者), 清教徒, 契约仆人, 奴隶, 商人, 农民, 种植园主)
    • How everyday life in colonial New York was different from everyday life today




威彻斯特走读学校 is a Modern Orthodox, 男女合校, dual-curriculum, toddler to 8th 这是一所犹太学校,以他们自己的方式激励和教育我们的学生重视人性, 一下, 终身学习.