四年级的犹太研究课程回应了新兴犹太女孩和男孩的发展需求和兴趣. Based on the foundation of “Derech Eretz Kadmah La’Torah”, “propriety is a prerequisite to the study of Torah”, 该课程旨在促进求知欲,培养个人和社会责任感. 每天和每周的课程都有丰富的活动,培养犹太人的身份和自豪感,维持人际关系的发展.
Recognizing the educational value of 21st century technology, 学生们喜欢并受益于将创造性的数字工具整合到他们的课程作业和特殊项目中.
We start the day with Tefillat Shacharit: Birkot HaTorah, Birchot HaShachar, P 'sukei D 'zimra, Birkot Kriyat 示玛, 示玛, 阿弥陀佛, Aleinu, 和Tehillim. 全年, 学生们发展了对特菲洛和特菲洛法则的一般理解,并对阿弥陀佛有了深入的了解.
使用L 'havin U ' lehasskill课程, we study the following Parshiot in depth with selected Rashis:
永永永,永永永,永永永,永永永,ויצא. 这些章节开始于雅各在得到长子的继承权后离家出走,在迦兰开始了新的生活. Jacob returns to his homeland and the encounter with his brother, Esav. The narrative segues to Joseph and his brothers and their migration to Egypt. We highlight the transition from a family to a people.
我们发展了对“Shivim Panim Latorah”的理解——对Torah有70种解释. 我们分析雅各和他儿子们的行为, and debate the ways we think situations played out based on different readings of the text.
先知书- - - - - - - - - - - - -
We study about the leadership transitioning from Moshe to Joshua; about the Jewish people entering the land of Canaan, 征服土地,瓜分财产. The students become familiar with the geography of early Israel.
法律和习俗- - - - - - - - - - -
Special emphasis is given to the Jewish holidays: background, 掌握关键词汇, 祈祷, 习俗和习俗. In addition, we use the workbook חיינו as a source book for basic Jewish knowledge.
犹太历史和犹太复国主义- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
We use the Lookstein Center Bar Ilan University curriculum on Zionism. 这些单位包括:北方挑战, 第一次回归, 回家和为耶路撒冷而战,1947-1967.
解说员小传- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
We review the highlights of the Torah portion and share Divrei Torah.
Popular and Didactic Phrases and Sayings - פתגמים